New Belgium Brewing: Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage

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Global Marketing Strategy – Case #3 Team Paradigm New Belgium Brewing: Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage Synopsis: New Belgium Brewing (NBB) is seeking to grow without sacrificing its human scale and its culture of social responsibility as a competitive advantage. NBB is a highly successful craft brewery based in Fort Collins, Colorado founded by Jeff Lebesch and his wife Kim Jordan in their basement back in 1991. Jeff, an electrical engineer, was inspired to create his own brew back in Colorado on a biking trip in Belgium while sampling the area’s finely crafted brews. NBB has experienced tremendous growth since its inception, to become the 9th largest brewery and the 3rd largest craft brewery in the US with revenues exceeding $97 million and having over 300 employees. NBB makes 7 standard beer lines which includes Sunshine Wheat, Blue Paddle, Abbey, Mothership Wit, 1554, Trippel and the best-selling Fat Tire Ale. In addition, NBB also has 4 additional seasonal specialty brews. Their products are sold throughout the western, mid-western and south-eastern areas of US totaling a distribution of 26 states. The company is seeking to retain its culture and focus as it seeks to continue to grow its revenues and its brand. New Belgium’s corporate core values suggest that they can be profitable by doing good not in spite of the additional focus on social responsibility, sustainability and a positive work culture. NBB’s mission statement “to operate a profitable brewery which makes our love and talent manifest”, expresses their focus on corporate goals that truly extend beyond profitability. Their corporate beliefs and values include such platitudes as “kindling social, environmental, and cultural change as a business model”, “environmental stewardship”, “promoting beer culture and the responsible enjoyment of beer”, “trusting each other and
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