Nature vs. Nurture

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Nature vs. Nurture has been described as the “ongoing dispute over the relative contributions of nature (heredity) and nurture (environment)”. In my own thoughts and opinion this theory has to do with a debate between whether nature, meaning the genes that people inherit, will impact the way a person is and the surroundings of that person does not play a factor. The surroundings would not matter because what is happening within the person is making the difference in how they adapt and develop. Where as the nurture theory would have to do with the environment that the person is in; things such as how they were raised, the relationships built, society, and even natural environment would play a part into how that person has become the way they are. The nurture side to the debate primarily has the idea of everything is learned behavior, not developed within the body, in my understanding. An example of this could be applied to how a nature vs. a nurture person may look at the reason as to why I don’t sleep well at night. On the other side, a nurture point of view might think that the reason that I do not sleep is due to me watching my parents stay up late all the time so I picked this up as the normality. They may also think the reason could be that I am not in a very good sleeping environment. Where as someone who would argue on the nature point of view may say that I am not sleeping due to a lack of melatonin, which is causing me just to not be tired. Or possibly that I have some other deficiency or to much of some other chemical in my brain that is making me not sleep, but what ever the factor is it is within me and not crated from

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