Naturally Fantastic Essay

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Naturally Fantastic Going to a gas station or a regular supermarket, there’s always some kind of product that’s say “Natural”, whether it is a drink, chips, cheese, it is everywhere. Today, going out to eat, or even shopping for some snacks, people don’t bother to look at the labels. How do people know what they are eating? The popular words such as natural, fresh, wholesome, and organic are money-making food terms for producers to make profit. Even if natural and organic products are highly expensive, consumers but them because they associate those terms as healthy and organic. The word natural is not regulated. In the essay “What’s Natural about Our Natural Products” written by Sarah Federman asserts about the common definition in a popular dictionary. “The meaning given in one popular dictionary, however, proven less specific: 1) determined by nature, 2) of or relating to nature, 3) having normal or usual character. 4) Grown without human care, 5) not artificial, 6) present in or produced “ (Federman). The definitions that were defined do not show a difference rather buying at a local market is different than buying something out in the wild. The words natural, and other terms that is mention in the introduction are not regulated. By regulated, meaning that no one is putting a set requirement on the word for it to be claim as natural. An astonishing reveal was the Quaker100% Natural Cereal had nine grams of fat and twenty-four percent of sugar which equals one hamburger from Mcdonalds (Federman). The word natural doesn’t seem so natural now, nothing from Mcdonalds can be consider as healthy, its fattening, high cholesterol, processed fast food. So why do people tend to spend more on products that are labeled natural regardless of the price? There are only a few reasons why this is happens. One, they have the money. The producers are taking advantage of the
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