Nancy E. Meyer's Argument For The Legalization Of Abortion

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Abortion was legalized in 1973, and since then approximately one million and five hundred thousand babies have been aborted each year. Abortion in medical textbook is technically defined as the termination of a pregnancy in any way before the fetus has reached the stage of viability. Many of the women who had the abortion done were not told about the procedure or the risks involved, and not informed about the development of the baby that is inside of them. Nancy E. Meyers, a media relations director of the National Right to Life Committee, argues that abortion should be illegal. She goes on to say that 1.5 million abortions are done annually in the U.S., and she believes this number is much too high. Meyers believes that abortion is murder and a violation of human rights. She believes that society should take a stand through the law that killing is…show more content…
Breast cancer and death are two side effects you can experience no matter which kind of abortion you choice to have. Having any kind of abortion increases your risk or breast cancer and can result in the death of the mother and the baby (Daling 1584-1592). With the suction-aspiration method experience abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, spotting, and bleeding. With the RU-486 method you can experience abnormal menstrual bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, and menstrual irregularities (Hausknecht 537). Methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug with the potential for serious toxicity, which can result in the death of the mother as well as the baby. The D&E method is the most dangerous to the mother, this method can cause amniotic fluid embolism, placental abruption, infection causing sterility, and pulling out the baby in breech position could tear the uterus. A tear in the uterus could cause a mother to bleed to death in ten minutes (Willke 1-6). Please think about the consequences of an abortion before you make that life changing

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