Ethically Ideal Abortion Scenario Paper

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Jamie Matela Prof. Matwijkiw PHIL-P 393 30 June 2011 Ethically Ideal Abortion Scenario Paper Jamie Matela Prof. Matwijkiw PHIL-P 393 30 June 2011 Ethically Ideal Abortion Scenario Abortion is one of the most controversial and important subjects of this generation. It is one of the most common surgical procedures done in the United States. After reading all of the research and arguments for Pro-life (anti-abortion) and Pro-choice (for abortion), my hypothesis is tantamount to a comparative analysis, both of the arguments and the positions, this way, I can stay neutral in the topic of abortion. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or an embryo from the uterus. An abortion can happen spontaneously due to complications during the pregnancy or can be induced. An abortion that is induced to help save the life of the women is called a therapeutic abortion; whereas an abortion induced for any other reason is called an elective abortion. More than a third of the average two hundred and five million pregnancies each year (worldwide) are not planned for, and twenty percent of them usually end in induced abortion. An abortion is referred to as a therapeutic abortion when it is done to: (1) save the life of the pregnant woman; (2) preserve the woman’s mental health; (3) terminate a pregnancy that would result in a baby born with a fatal disorder; or (4) reduce the number of fetuses to reduce health risks usually associated with multiple pregnancy. An abortion is called an elective abortion when it is done at the request of the woman, for reasons other than maternal or fetal health. Spontaneous abortion, also called a miscarriage, is the expulsion of a fetus or an embryo due to accidental trauma or natural causes. A miscarriage usually happens before the twenty-second week of pregnancy. Between ten percent and

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