Is Abortion Pro Life Or Pro Choice?

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Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice? Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, which is most often performed during the first 20 weeks of being pregnant (Oxford, 2014). Back in 1969 when abortion became legalized in Canada, uproar had taken over the country. Even with underreported and underrepresented figures, it is clear that more than three million abortions have occurred in Canada since 1969; when abortion was first decriminalized (AbortionInCanada, 2011). Society tends to focus the majority of their attention towards the controversy, and very little towards the women who are emotionally confused or unstable. Since the abortion controversy is a paradigm of reasonable moral disagreement, it has been claimed that we…show more content…
Pope John Paul II described abortion as a sign of “encroaching culture of death that threatens human dignity and freedom” (Zastrwon & Kirst-Ashman, 2013). Abortion is worse than ordinary murder, principally, because it involves the betrayal of a dependent by a natural guardian (Stith, 2009). An example of religion being a bias in society involves a Catholic University. Marquette University has formally decided to decline an abortion rights group on campus, though they do sanction an anti-abortion group. Catholics for a Free Choice contended that they should be allowed to add another voice, but the school has chosen to stick to religious and moral beliefs and deny the group opportunity. “It does make me kind of sad because there is another side," said Xochi Kountz, a Marquette senior who was among those campaigning for Catholics for Free Choice. "There should be some kind of address to that other side” (Dresang, 1994). A well known scripture from the Bible, Luke 6:37 states, “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Therefore the Bible does preach the acceptance of each person; today’s society has thus changed the true…show more content…
For example, Anas is a 53-year old woman who is currently working with prisoners who have gone through abortion trauma. Through this she reflects on the pain that her own abortion brought her at 19years old, “But after the procedure, she says, strange feelings washed over her. I remember having evil thoughts, about hurting children, she said. It was like I'd done the worst thing I could possibly do. A piece of evil had entered me.” (Bazelon, 2007) We cannot assume all patients have the same post trauma, this woman may have had a psychological disorder, or received extreme amounts of pressure or stress before encountering her abortion. Statistically, after a study in California of medicare patients who received abortions, researchers say that 44% complained of nervous disorder, 31% had regrets about the abortions and 11% were prescribed psychotropic drugs by medical doctors (AfterAbortion, 2011). Putting into perspective that this studying was strictly done in California can allow for a bias opinion, as different parts of the country have different religions, cultures and abortion laws or
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