Mythology: Athena Versus Neith

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Chloe Hamby Hamby, 1 Morgan 9th Honor’s Literature 8 February 2012 Mythology: Athena versus Neith Mythologies are outlets created by man to clarify the meaning of life. In other words, a myth is a fictional story with a purpose. It explains the ways of the world and relationships between Gods and humans. Myths usually send important messages about social or religious meanings. Two of the most recognized mythologies are Greek and Egyptian. Although they are thousands of miles apart, both cultures have developed similar myths. In Greek mythology Athena is the goddess of wisdom, while in Egyptian mythology Neith is the goddess of wisdom. One of the major Greek goddesses is Athena. She is often called Pallas Athena, because of her childhood friend Pallas whom she accidentally kills while practicing fighting (Athena: Greek Goddess). She is the goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war and is born directly from Zeus’ head. According to the Greeks, Metis, Zeus’ first wife, is destined to have a child that will overthrow him. To prevent this from happening, Zeus swallows Metis thinking it will prove the destiny wrong. He then acquires a migraine so powerful that the God of the Blacksmiths, Hephaestus, has to slash his skull open with an axe. When split open, Athena springs out in full battle armor (Littleton, 171). Hamby, 2 This distinct characteristic explains why Zeus considers her the favorite child. She is determined, worthy of power, and strong, both physically and mentally. Not only is Athena the goddess of wisdom, but she is also considered the Virgin Goddess (Littleton, 170). She is highly respected throughout Greece because of her purity and intellect. The temple of Parthenon is dedicated to her, as well as the city of Athens. This proves the honor she holds with the citizens

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