Myself as a Leader

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| Unit 10 Project | HA515 | | Tabitha Scott | 2/19/2013 | | Nine weeks ago, I categorized myself as a leader and not much has changed on how I see myself. I will say that I learned more traits that I do have, that I didn’t even think about. I realized that I also pay attention to detail, as well as everything that is going on around me at all times. I am also a leader who does not assume or just to conclusions, or even go by hear say. Over all, this whole semester has been eye opening and has me completely excited about my future as a leader and the changes that I can offer an organization. I would like to see myself finish my Master’s degree as a short term goal within a 2 year period. Once I get closer to graduating, my plan is to start putting my resume out so that hopefully a potential future employer will see my qualifications and hire me, so that I can start on the journey of my career. I would like to first start out at a small organization such as a home health agency, or a doctor’s office and work there for a couple years getting experience under my belt. After I find a job, I still also plan on going back to college again, to get an entry level in business management because, this is going to help me reach my ultimate dream goal professional. In 8 years, I would really like to start looking for a potential business partner to see if their goals would match mine and what kind of business plan their future plans are headed. With that being said, my ultimate goal for the future between 11 to 15 years is to buy a large home that would accommodate between 6 to 8 elderly veterans male and female who cannot live alone but, who don’t want to go to a nursing home because they only need minimal care and supervision. I want to own a place where our future elderly veterans can go to enjoy the golden years of their lives and not feel alone or like

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