My Pilgrimage Essay

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My pilgrimage to Bunker Hill consists of me waking up, waiting for the bus and the train. Waking up is the hardest part of my morning. I have to wake up five in the morning. After hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock about three or four times, I finally getting out my bed and get in the shower and get dressed. When I’m dressed I leave my house and start to walk up the street. At the crack of dawn it’s more than cold outside its freezing. I get to the bus stop with five minutes spare. The 31 bus to forest hills is supposed to come at 6:05, but never comes on time so I’m stuck waiting in the cold. When the bus arrives, it’s crowded and hot from the heat and all the extra body heat. The bus ride usually takes about ten minutes to forest hills. When I get to Forest Hills I walk up the escalator really quickly the train is waiting downstairs. On the train I get a seat right by the door so when the train gets to Bunker Hill I’m right by the escalator. The train ride to Bunker Hill is sometimes relaxing when it doesn’t get too crowded. The ride is 13 stops I listen to my music as the train rides along and sometimes fall asleep. When the train reaches about downtown crossing the train is filled with people getting off and coming on. When I reach Community College there are a lot of people getting off with me. I began to walk up the escalator and down the ramp to school, I’m super

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