My Life As a Blonde

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My Life as a Blonde Some say stereotypes are based off of real facts, I'd have to disagree. Gingers have no soul, Asians can't drive; all these are stereotypes, and not 100% true. One statistics I have to deal with every day is being a dumb blonde. Everyday, people make remarks about how I am a dumb ditzy blonde. They make the assumption that I'm stupid before even getting to know me. Whenever I make slight mistakes or forgetting something, people snidely comment about me being a dumb blonde, but in actuality I'm not. I do well in school and I've held responsibilities in my life. But through the day I am being judged and that is something no one should go through. Everyone thinks that blondes are only useful in Playboy magazines and as Victoria Secret models. Even cheerleaders, and that is incorrect.Cheering isn't something I do because I'm stupid or blonde; I cheer because it is something I enjoy. The sport is about being part of a team and working together. I have played basketball and that is probably the most difficult sport out there. You have yo run, control the ball and watch to see if a team mate is open all at the same time. Despite the fact that i am blonde, in was one of the better players on the team. In addition, many blonde women happen to be high achieving members of society. Hilary Clinton is blonde and she attend Yale law school as well as playing a major role in our government. Judy Holiday and Marilynn Monroe are also blondes who were paid famous actresses and were far from ditzy. In general, people shouldn't think of blonde women as being stupid, and instead, open their minds to the possibility that sone stereotypes aren't true. Some blondes might surprise you that under their Malibu sin kissed hair is a brain, and that brain will take them further in life than closed minded brunets and redheads that buy into

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