My Labret Exploration

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Recently, I have thought more seriously about getting a labret piercing. A labret is a type of lip piercing that is centered in the bottom lip. It can be a ring, but it is more commonly a stud piercing. With any piercing you get, there are risks and complications, oral piercings being the worst offenders in the health risk area. Due to this want that I have to get a labret piercing, I decided to write a paper and research whether I truly wanted it, seeing as I never looked up complications with it before, which is not only a good idea to do before anyone gets any piercing, but it also showed my mom that I was ready and mature enough to get one...when I turn eighteen, that is. Before I start talking about the risks of oral piercings, I would like to talk a bit about oral piercings in general. Currently, it is one of the most popular types of piercings out there, and the interest in them is ever growing. Oral piercings are any piercings that involve the mouth in any way; making tongue, labret and lip as well as cheek piercings, and others, fall into this category. The reasoning behind getting an oral piercing varies from person to person. Some people want them because they believe they will look better, they’ll gain more confidence, or it’ll enhance their sexual feelings with their partner. Some people even get them due to different religious reasons. And still, some people get them because they enjoy the sensation of pain that is found by getting a piercing. One of the biggest ways to fight a lot of the risks that are provided with getting a piercing is to go to a professional piercing place that uses sterile needles and knows how to place the piercing properly. On this note, never pierce yourself! Not only are you opening up your risk for infection, but you may hit a vein and then you can bleed profusely until you pass out or die. If you have a piercing,
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