My Experience With Water Conservation

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There are many misconceptions about water and the importance of conserving it. With just over 70% of the Earth’s surface made up of water it would seem there is no immediate concern; however, that could not be further from the truth. In Florida alone we are under constant water restrictions that are needed. In May 2008 close to 33,000 acres of a Floridian staple, The Everglades National Park burned at an alarming rate (CNN). That was just one of the fires that raged that summer. Of course the fires were put out to protect the communities surrounding with the result putting us under yet again the water restrictions we deal with. It seems that the majority of people don’t understand that everything they do is a part of conserving our Florida waters. There are many ways to start conserving which are so simple it doesn’t even interrupt your normal daily life. I remember sitting on my back porch at three am in that summer of 2008 battling yet another night of insomnia. My neighbor, who as usual is up watering her lawn, which she does at that time to avoid being detected breaking the restrictions. I had just come outside from watching on the news about the devastating fires. There was a dilemma I faced at that time; do I contact someone and let them know that she is wasting water with no regard? Should I sit on it and not create waves with my neighbor? While the answer to what I did at that time is not relative here, it is just an example of the ways that people abuse the water we have. I took measures into my own hands and created ways to conserve at home. Leading by example I hoped to make the change that was so vital. I began to look at my home and see the ways I could change just one drip of water. I started with the bathroom as that is where the most water is lost in homes. I installed a new shower head that would control the water output.
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