Mississippi Masala Review

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“Mississippi Masala” review Racism has been a hindering problem in virtually every society ever since there has been variation in the human genome. Most people tend to prefer the company of people who are more similar to them, whether they consciously realize it or not. Problems begin when that preference is applied only to superficial traits, such as skin color. This can stifle progress, because prejudice limits resources that a society can use, lowers their versatility, and creates hostility. Mississippi Masala, directed by Mira Nair, explores the problem of racial oppression of Indian people by blacks in African Uganda and the racial segregation and prejudice against blacks in Mississippi, of the United States. Mira Nair was born in India, and visited Uganda in 1988 because she wanted to draw attention to the problems people of Indian origin were facing in Uganda. Mississippi Masala contends blacks in the United States faced the same problems as Indians did in Uganda. The film’s story is a good example of the fact that when it comes to races, power corrupts, and no matter which country a person is in, the group that has more power in that society often tries to stifle groups that have less social confluence with the status quo. At the same time, Mississippi Masala presents a love story and shows that if people can move past their fears, ignorance, and prejudices instilled into them by their parents, they can learn to love one another despite their differences and find out they are not so different after all. An Indian man named Jay, played by Roshan Seth, was born in Uganda and felt like it was his home, but was forced to forfeit his house and land and move out of the country, after government propaganda tried to blame Indians for Uganda’s economic problems. After moving to America with his wife and daughter Mina, Jay integrated with relatives to help run
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