Colorism Essay

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Jane Doe Mr. King Eng 93 November 8th, 2011 Authors Facing Colorism at a Young Age Colorism is a subject of great concern among many people of color. According to Jones, colorism is defined as self-hatred or “being rejected by your own people” because of your skin color. Colorism in the U.S. is rooted in the legacy of slavery, when white slave owners favored the lightered skinned blacks over the dark-skinned blacks. Because of this legacy, many blacks today have internalized the favoritism demonstrated by whites and so began intra-discrimination among blacks, resulting in a perpetuation of colorist antipathy. This legacy continues today, for minority groups such as Latinos, Asians, Philippines, and Indians discriminate against the members of their own groups. This intra-racial discrimination is evident in a recent study, which found that lighter skinned individuals were rated as being happier and smarter than darker-skinned individuals (Note physical features and briefly discuss the result of the 20/20 video.) This issue is very insidious because colorism is an open secret in many ethnic communities. Although it is rarely discussed publicly, it is a prevalent and well-known pathogen among members of ethnic communities. The area of life that had the most prodigious effect on the perpetuation of colorism among ethnic minorities is social life. The stories of four authors, and have brought attention to this issue while growing up. Author Carolyn Edgar, a dark-skinned black woman who has suffered the most because of negative surroundings while author Charisse Jones, another dark-skinned woman have mostly dealt with colorism through dating. In addition authors Tuason and Lui, Asian American women have shown us that African Americans are not the only ones who suffer with colorism but other races as well, they both share life stories that have also affected themselves
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