Comparing and Contrasting Rhetorical Strategies Betwwen "Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech and Chapter One of Animal Farm

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Dreams are powerful things that are usually the driving force for our words and actions. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and Old Major’s speech in chapter one of Animal Farm by George Orwell both relay a message and express a problem they wish to solve. The application of rhetorical appeals, like pathos, ethos, and logos were utilized to influence their audience. Although King believed in peaceful rebellion and Old Major promoted violence as an answer, both used rhetorical appeals to notify their audience about the problems of injustice in their society. The injustice that King described was the discrimination and segregation of colored people. King fought to break the racial barriers that prevented colored people from living peaceful lives. The only people who benefitted from these conditions of segregation were the Caucasians, because they were treated superiorly compared to colored people, and their lives were easier. King’s use of rhetorical devices strengthened the true depth and damage that discrimination and segregation caused on society. “One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination (1).” In this quote, King compares segregation and discrimination to the manacles and chains because they both held something down. Segregation and discrimination fastened colored people to the lower levels of society, like the manacles and chains that bonded slaves to the land of their masters. This is an example of pathos, as King uses this simile to evoke the emotions of sympathy and empathy out of his audience. Though slavery had end by this period, colored people still felt as if they were being controlled by the effects of segregation and discrimination. The usage of the quote shows how important accomplishing the task of making the audience fully understand the
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