Teenagers Should Not be Issued Credit Cards Teenagers are commonly viewed as indulging in a reckless lifestyle and ignoring their personal responsibilities in life. Teenagers often underestimate their financial responsibilities as they confine their view of life to instant satiety and gratification. Their irrational tendencies serve to undermine how they are able to fulfill their responsibilities as they view their personal pleasure as outweighing any possible consequences emerging from their actions. They often abuse their own financial resources for the sake of living more independently from their parents, but this kind of behavior illustrates that teenagers are in no position to have and use credit cards. Teenagers should not be issued credit cards as they are unable to fulfill their finanial responsibilities due to the fact they first need a solid education and strong credit history, and that teenagers turn to reckless spending that drains their economic resources.
Way back then when our constitution wasn’t written or the declaration of independence wasn’t established there was something that was a big part of America which was slavery. It affected many people and was a big debate/issue with a lot of people. The framers had a big role in slavery from making laws for it, abolishing it and etc. In my opinion I think slavery was a bad thing in America, so in this essay I will tell you important facts of slavery. First off the first slaves came from Africa in 1619 which was brought to Virginia.
For the crimes teens commit, they should not go unpunished, but to treat teens as adults is not the fair thing to do when teens don’t have the same judgment as adults. This poor judgment might also come from lack of positive influences. Many teens make the bad decisions that they do because they don’t have anyone in their lives telling them right from wrong. Without these people, teens might act out not realizing what consequences come from their actions. In the Lord of the Flies, there
Black Americans were publically beaten, frightened, and even killed (Magar, 2010). These practices did not stop until 1964 when the Civil Rights Act banned discrimination against race among many other things. Today stereotypes continue to create discrimination but not to the levels of the early 1900s. Everyone needs to remember that Black Americans have more than 400 years of stereotypes to overcome. African Americans have many conflicts and struggles to deal with.
In Exodus in the Bible, we read that the Hebrews, or the Children of God, were enslaved in the land of Goshen, Egypt. Ancient Egypt acquired a million slaves over 400 years as Pharaohs came to suppress the Hebrews. The Mayans and Aztecs in the Americas and the Sumerians and Babylonians in the Middle East all kept slaves in the past. The Egyptians not only enslaved Hebrews, but also Europeans and Ethiopians. The Africans, meanwhile, were also enslaved, first by their own people, then by the Arabs, then by the Europeans.
Racism has always been a problem in this world and in the United States. When I think of racism in the States the first thing that comes to mind is the mistreatment of blacks by whites. Through all of the history classes I have taken in my life I have learned about slavery, segregation, and the Jim Crow laws among other things, all of which were practiced and enforced by white people in America. Perhaps it is this perception of America’s past that has caused many to ignorantly believe that only white people are capable of racism. This could not be further from the truth.
In the South however, the blacks were disfranchised, since the state governments introduced literacy tests, tests on the knowledge of constitution and Poll taxes, which African Americans had trouble with, because of poor education and financial problems. Both created through discrimination and racism. Racial hatred groups such as the Ku Klux Klan still existed. They advertised violent treatment of African Americans, and often engaged in violent activities themselves. Blacks were often beaten or killed by members of such hate groups.
In Brent Staples essay entitled Black Men and Public Space, he discusses issues of him being racially profiled on several occasions, and because of this he had been falsely considered a threat on these occasions (Staples). With all the negativity in the media and in movies surrounding racial prejudice and profiling over the years it is only natural to assume that if someone was found to be in the same situations discussed in this essay they would probably react similarly to everyone described by Staples. For some people in Staple’s situation it is possible that they may even get angry and turn violent which would only make the stereotypes true, but for him he chose the alternative, which was to be a little more understanding of the situations by doing things that made these individuals around him feel safe and comfortable, i.e. whistling Beethoven or just giving them a little extra room when on his night walks. This essay also raises a good question, should it be ok for law enforcement or the government to use racial profiling to make arrest or to just simply stop someone because of their race?
Bullying is something that occurs all the time. People don’t like being bullied but they don’t know how to stop it. Often people who are being bullied ‘turn the other cheek’ to try and avoid being bullied or making the situation worse. Is turning the other cheek the right thing to do? Ishmael Leseur turned the other cheek to being bullied by Barry Bagsley.
Racism is indeed the national obsession. America is said to be racked with it but why? Racism is widespread and has caused major problems. Many people distrust or fear other people who look or act differently. Racism in the United States seems to be directed mainly by the white majority against racial or ethnic groups such as Blacks, Indians, Indians and more.