Mentoring Leaders Reflection

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Leadership Principles Darlene Klassen Mentoring Leaders Chapters 1-3 reflection Brendon Johnston Being a current leader in my church, I couldn’t believe how much information was in these three chapters. I expected to run across more things that I had come to know as common things in leadership. This book, I am finding, is a great resource for learning how to “build” a leader. I very much appreciate the importance that Pue puts on mentoring right from the start. I feel he is right when he states that mentoring is overshadowed and not as much of a priority as it needs to be. Some of my biggest growth is because of godly mentors throughout my life. Throughout the book, there seems to be a common theme of vision. Pue stresses that vision is “the ability to see beyond the immediate to God’s desired future” and “if the vision is clear, the leader can communicate. However if the vision is fuzzy, people will not be moved to follow” (15). For our church, this is a struggle. The elders cast the vision, but the people are not moved to follow. We are in a transition where the current senior pastor is retiring, and I am a part of the search committee in looking for our new shepherd. There is a lot of division amongst our church as to who is the “right man” for the job. Everyone wants someone that can relate to them. This obviously is not a bad thing. However, superman is just not available, and the disappointment of a man that doesn’t live up to unreal expectations could potentially be dangerous. The vision needs to be so clear, and the body needs to unite as one towards the goals of that vision, otherwise it will just fail. I love the clarification Pue gives on self-awareness. I think we’re ingrained as church leaders to be hesitant when anything tells us that we need some kind of focus on ourselves. I know I was hesitant when I first saw the title of
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