Men Can Cook

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Men Can Cook! In Asian countries, men play an important role to make money and take care of family economic. They never need to do chore or cooking, because women always are the one doing it. As a man in the family, I never need to learn how to cook; after school time, I come home and eat then go to my room right away. However, my mind has changed after I went to the U.S to study for three years; since I lived alone so I had to take care of everything by myself. Therefore, I started to learn cooking, and it became my passion. Although I’m a guy, I feel very happy to cook for people who close to me. When I first come to the U.S, I stayed with a host family for my first year. I never thought that I would miss my mom’s food that much; my host mother was a busy woman, she never cook for me even I already paid the fee. All she did was purchased a burger from McDonald, a fried chicken in QFC, or made quick spaghetti from an instant packet. I had to admire that I used to love fast food; however, I got tired of those food after 3 months I stayed in that house. I started to crave Vietnamese food, especially my mom’s food. It was fall days, and it was pretty cold. My mom usually made me a spicy hotpot with sliced beef in those cold days, and it helped me to wipe out tiredness from work and study in those cold days. What I had at that moment in the U.S? Despite the freezing wind that trying to make it way to my room through the window, I was doing my assignment and holding a BigMac on my hand, together with some crispy French fries. Although I was tired of it, I still had to eat for survival. Yes, that might sound I’m trying to make thing more serious when using big word like “survival”. However, it was true, eating was a torture to me at that time, at least for 3 months from the day I arrived America. After I moved out, I was like wake up from nightmare days, I rent an
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