Meet The Radical Homemakers Analysis

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Be “green” and help the environment1 Nowadays, “Green” is no doubt one of the most popular words floating around. The definition of what exactly green means seems a little hazy. We will probably get fifteen different responses if we ask fifteen people to define what it means to be green. However, everyone can go along with one thing, that whatever green means – it is a positive concept. I think to be “green” or “going green” means to live life as an individual, as well as a community, in a way that is friendly to the natural environment, and sustainable for the earth. In essence, it refers to using various everyday methods to help save the world and the environment. Many people consider going green to be an actual lifestyle; for them, it…show more content…
In her article “Meet the Radical homemakers.”, Hayes argues that going back and learning the basic fundamentals of homemaking skills, shows solutions to many environmental problems. Hayes compares the living a self sufficient lifestyle and living on career. She points the self sufficient lifestyle costs less, and produces less impact to the environment. She also adds that the self sufficient lifestyle gives an opportunity to support local economy by shopping locally. She interviewed twenty households across the United States. These households showed that family, community, social justice, and the health of the planet, are the ruling principles of their life. They have a low income, but they’ve mastered so many domestic skills that they don’t need external labor. Some of them are builders, some sew, some craft furniture, others play music, and all of them can cook. They believe that less on paychecks means more on living values. There is the housewife’s syndrome – living happily ever after, means the family will have a large amount of consumption. Hayes states that radical homemakers don’t distract themselves with these types of dreams instead they believe that it is possible to build a life serving economy, greater social change, better life, and brighter future. People achieve this by only improving domestic live, and it also services to reduce people’s ecological impact and helps to generate living for

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