Media Influence on Children Essay

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Introduction Can anyone oppose the statement that children’s violent behaviour today originated from media? No, nobody can deny this statement as bad media does influence children bad behaviour. There are also many variables such as poverty, family psychopathology, child abuse, experience with domestic and community violence, abuse and other psychiatric disorders (Beresin, 2010) that can cause violence in children, but nowadays, media is the biggest contributor to children violent behaviour. A study shows that more that 70 percent of children in America who have interaction with the video game ‘Grand Theft Auto’ behaved violently and involved themselves in fights (Anderson et al., 2003). Video games are not the only thing to blame, computer games, cartoons, movies, television, songs and other forms of media can consist of violence and that effects children’s mind. Song now a day has violent and mature lyrics that pollute children’s thinking. From there children start to develop hostile thoughts and emotion, aggressive behaviour and use coarse language. Media is the prime communication channels that transmit messages to people through news, entertainment, education, data, and advertisement. Media also includes broadcasting and narrowcasting vehicle such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet (Business Dictionary, 2012). Media use to helped people to expand their general knowledge by understanding worldwide news and to keep in touch with others. However, now it spreads unhealthy or wrong messages to public, as their only motive is to gain profits. It disrupt people once healthy lifestyle, naturally innocent children tend to imitate and practice the violent and unhealthy acts that they are expose to. Minow says that ‘Children will observe anything, and when a announcer uses crime and violence and other
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