Marketing Channels and Intermediaries

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Why are marketing channels and intermediaries necessary? In your answer name 2-3 important functions carried out by intermediaries. Why must channel arrangements sometimes be modified over time? Marketing channels (Distribution channels) move goods and services for producers to consumers. It overcomes the major time, place and possession gaps the separate good and services from those who would use them. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers as well another channels members exist in channel arrangements to perform one or more of the following generic functions: • Information gathering and distributing marketing research and intelligence information about actors and forces in the marketing environment needed for planning and aiding exchange. • Promotion: Developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer. • Contact: Finding and communicating with prospective buyers. • Matching: Shaping and fitting the offer to the buyers needs including activities such as manufacturing, grading, assembling and packaging. • Negotiation: Reaching an agreement on price and other terms of the offer so that ownership or possession can be transferred. • Others help to fulfil the completed transactions. • Physical distribution: Transporting and storing goods. • Financing: Acquiring and using funds to cover the costs of the channel work • Risk taking: assuming the risks of carrying out the channel work • Carrying of inventory, demand generation or selling, after sales services. Intermediaries Unlike decisions regarding products, pricing, or promotion, distribution decisions require both intra-organizational as well as inter-organizational skills. The product's path to the market frequently involves interaction with external agencies or intermediaries that bridge the gap between the point of production and the point of sale.

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