Mark Wills Research Paper

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Jump of His Life Mark Wills is a typical 14 year old boy that wants to look good in the eyes of his friends and also the girls eyes as well. Well one day there was a new student, a little younger than Mark but still in the same grade. His name was Nick, and he was a horseback rider. The the girls and even Mark's friends were impresses with Nick. But what got all of them excited was when Nick talked about jumping horses and all the different medals he won in horse shows. Feeling left out Mark turned to the local stables, with the idea of learning how to jump as well to show his friends that he is cool just like Nick. Now Kim, the owner of the local horse stables and she is also a trainer, has grown up around horses and has seen the good side and the not so nice side of horses. She has also seen good riders and bad riders and some that are impatient and think they can just jump on a horse and go. When…show more content…
Mark sees this as his way to finally jump. As Soon Kim can't see him he starts to line his self up to jump. Never jumping before he didn't how the proper positions to be in when jumping. As soon as the horse began to jump, Mark lost control and hit his head on the horses neck and as the horse went over the jump Mark fell to the ground and the horse trotted off. Kim walked out to find Mark on the ground out cold so she took him to the hospital and about three hours later he woke up. The doctor said that Mark had a concussion and a broken arm. Mark was ashamed knowing full well that he won't be able to jump for a while. Kim was glad that Mark was alive and Mark apologized for what he did and promised that he would always listen to her. It took about 3 months until Mark was able to ride and in little than a week he was riding and jumping horses and was loved by his friends and all the girls at his school. Even Nick was impressed by the speed he learned to ride and

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