Manager mistakes: MANAGER – BAD CRITIC

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MANAGER – BAD CRITIC Introduction This work is about one of biggest manager’s communication mistake – bad criticism. We are going to take a look about types of criticism in this job, causes of manager’s bad criticism and how to correct bad criticism. Managing people is a challenging task. Often the manager has to ignore personal assumptions and presumptions, hatred towards religion, culture, race and creed, personal ego and various other traits that will reduce the managerial qualities in the manager. “ Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root-puller, but guiding, instructive, inspiring” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Constructive criticism in the workplace can be explosive. We say things we don't mean or recipients hear more than was meant. Minor suggestions detonate before our eyes. But skillful communication can make situations far less volatile. TYPES OF CRITICISM Constructive Criticism Constructive manager comments reinforce good behavior or motivate staff to make positive changes. For example manager was dining with his colleague when a waiter put too much pepper on his salad. Colleague tasted it and offered a constructive criticism "Needs more salad." Destructive Criticism Negative criticism is unjustified when it results from the wrong motive. Psychologist and author Henry C. Link says, "If you wish to make enemies, tell people simply, 'You are wrong'. This method works every time." If they cannot explain why you're wrong, their motive is likely destructive, not constructive. Misleading Criticism Some manager criticism results are from errors or lack of knowledge. Stanley Marcus, chairman emeritus of the Neiman Marcus stores, is concerned about misleading, inflated compliments. "We frequently hear something described as 'terrific' when it's merely OK; or 'fabulous' when it is just good. Unsophisticated

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