Madson Home Based Communication Case Study

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Madson House is a day centre which provides physical care and rehabilitation services for people with physical disabilities, such as: mobility difficulties, visual impairments and hearing difficulties. There are many different ways in which communication takes place at the day centre. These are: oral, written, computerised and special methods. I will look at each method in turn and give examples of how each method is used. Oral communication is used every day at the day centre. The staff discuss with each other which service users will be attending and what type of therapy they will be receiving. The service users will talk with each other about things such as what is on television, issues that have been reported in the news and general chit chat. When service users first attend the day centre, the care workers ask them about how their condition affects them. They will ask the service user what they can do and what things they have difficulty with. During the rehabilitation period, the care workers will explain to the service users what exercises/ treatment they need. They will need to give the service users instructions on how to do the…show more content…
If a service user needs to lip read, it is important that there is adequate lighting; a dimly lit room would make it difficult for them to see the movement of the lips. It is also important that the person who is speaking does so in a normal manner. Very often, when people are speaking to a deaf person, they either shout or speak very slowly and over emphasise the words. Shouting at a deaf person will make no difference, they will still not be able to hear what is being said and they will get frustrated. Speaking very slowly and over emphasising words will inhibit communication as the lip movements will be distorted, making it difficult for the deaf person to lip

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