Her status as the first sex icon of America has forever influenced culture in the United States. Marilyn Monroe appeared to have it all, beauty, fame, glamour. However, even though she was admired throughout her entire career, the starlet struggled throughout her whole life. Starting out life with a mentally ill mother, she was bounced around from foster home to foster home. Born Norma Jean, Marilyn felt rejected by everyone in her life, but she did not let this discourage her from pursuing her dreams.
Not only is she my mother but my best friend and trust me it wasn’t always like that. I feel like when you’re younger you don’t appreciate your parents like everyone should. So now that we have built this friendship and trust I like to take her struggles and up stickles she went through to motivate me to become a better and successful person like she knows I could be. Today I will be sharing to you a bit about my family, my mother’s personality, her past and present. Relate I believe you can benefit with this speech because you can learn a little about me being one of your peers and because my mom has gone through a lot a struggles that a lot of you probably don’t know much about.
Esperanza is beginning to think differently than the other girls of the neighborhood, even though she was born and raised in the same way as all the women around her. She is not content with this expected role of women. She believes that someday she will escape the burdens of her culture placed on women. She knows she has a good mind, strong will and a talent for telling stories. She returns to her old neighborhood later as an adult through her stories, showing them they can live their own lives and be independent women.
Mary has not always been abusive to Precious and didn’t think so low of her. The abuse started to occur when Carl, Precious father, decided to touch her at the age of three years old. Mary feels as if Precious ruined her life. She thinks that Precious took the only person away from her that loved her which was Carl. Her thoughts about the whole situation (physical and sexual abuse) were to take care both of them as she refers to them as “her man and her baby”.
Eleanor Roosevelt Anna Eleanor Roosevelt usually called Eleanor was a very heart filled woman. She cared about everyone but mainly worked hard for the disadvantaged and the poor. Eleanor matured fast and lived her younger life very independently, considering her parents died when she was awfully young. Eyes and Ears, was what many people were reminded of when they thought of Eleanor Roosevelt. She was Franklin’s eyes and ears after he was diagnosed with polio, a severe disease that paralyzes you.
Cellie always loved more then she was loved. Celie was married off to a man named Mr. who treated her terribly. Mr. was only looking for someone to take care of his children and his house after his wife died. Mr.’s children were disrespectful toward Celie. Later in the story Celie’s sister Nettie came to live with Mr. and Celie.
In the beginning having a baby brought joy to her life and Sally wanted to provide for and love Katie. Katie told herself she would do a better job than her mother did. Her own mom either yelled at her or ignored her,(page 13). David Hughes writing of the Abuse and Neglect of Katie gives so much insight into all the issues that set up the early years of Katie. A Mother who was neglected, young and depressed dealing with a new baby with little support, in a bad marriage.
This was because the Spartans believed that the girls needed to be strong and healthy so when they grew older they could give birth to strong sons for the community. The Spartan women used their body as their main tool. As you can see, the women in Sparta had much more freedom and were respected more by the community, whereas, the women in Athens lived very secluded lives. They played little or no part in politics or public life. Women from both city-states would get married once they reach the age of 15.
There is this young lady in the film “America The Beautiful” named Garren Taylor. She is a beautiful, carefree 12 year old girl. Due to the fact that she looked developed beyond her years and her height, she is introduced to the world of modeling with her mother behind her all the way. Garren did not get a chance to discover who she really was; she lost herself along the way without even knowing who she was to begin with. The industry used her to promote their products when they considered her to be the beacon of beauty, but as soon as she began to develop they no longer considered her right for the industry.
Many women today have very well paying jobs and are very successful. This success can cause women to feel a sense of empowerment. Rosin touches upon this in her article, stating: To put it crudely, feminist progress right now largely depends on the existence of the hookup culture. And to a surprising degree, it is women—not men—who are perpetuating the culture, especially in school, cannily manipulating it to make space for their success, always keeping their own ends in mind. Women feel better about themselves because many guys try to seek their attention.