Women and the Hook Up Culture

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Women: The Driving Force of the Hookup Culture College, the utopia of no strings attached and casual sex, is a place where many young people can meet a plethora of other young people. (REWORD) College students don’t have anyone watching or telling them what they say, do, and want to do. This amount of freedom given to young adults can lead to an increased amount of sex and partying. Thus creating a hookup culture within in the college lifestyle and atmosphere. The whole hookup culture is lead and driven by the females; many young women around the U.S. today are having sex with various partners. This increase of casual sex is due to the fact that women today have more opportunity to be successful than in the past, therefore they focus more on their individual future instead of a future with a significant other. Women are thought of differently in today’s world. Not all of them are stay at home moms who just cook and clean. Many women today have very well paying jobs and are very successful. This success can cause women to feel a sense of empowerment. Rosin touches upon this in her article, stating: To put it crudely, feminist progress right now largely depends on the existence of the hookup culture. And to a surprising degree, it is women—not men—who are perpetuating the culture, especially in school, cannily manipulating it to make space for their success, always keeping their own ends in mind. Women feel better about themselves because many guys try to seek their attention. This feeling can become an addiction in which they feel they can toy and control the guy. The hookup culture is the key to the modern-day women’s success, which leads to that sense of empowerment over males. (THESIS bolded.. addd more to it) In today’s American society women in the stage of their college years do not yearn for a boyfriend, many young women today feel having a

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