Living Abroad Essay

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Living abroad is a tempting opportunity for people that don’t come around every day. For many people living abroad can lead to the gain of many useful life experiences and valuable knowledge. However, Living in a foreign country can be an experience both good and bad. While living in a foreign country may be really cool and exciting, learning and adjusting to new ways of living, and different customs can be a hassle. If I had to choose a country to live abroad in, I would choose Melanesia. Melanesia is the country that Fiji Island belongs too. I would live in the town of Sava, which is the capital of Fiji, consisting of 190,000 citizens. I would move to Fiji because it’s a tropical oasis with many people, the most beautiful crystal clear water, it has perfect weather and there’s always something to do. I a beach bum, I love crystal clear water, hot weather, palm trees and sand between my toes; Fiji Island is the perfect place for me to live abroad. I don’t think adapting to new cultural norms would be very difficult. The Fijian culture is a mix of Polynesian and Melanesian backgrounds. Fijian culture is made up of a huge variety of traditional language, music, art, clothing, food and folklore. The Fijian culture also has high importance and high priority standard in the family unit. The culture of food doesn’t seem too bad. The typical Fijian mean consists of fish, rice, sweet potatoes, and breadfruit. Seems like a good meal to me. The only custom that I think I would struggle with is the drink. The national drink of Fiji is yaqona, or kava, which is prepared from the root of a pepper plant. The drink causes the feeling of numbness on the tongue and lips, along with muscle relaxation. My favorite beverages are Sundrop and Sweet Tea, so I think the beverages will be hard to live without. The customs of clothing doesn’t seem bad at all also, sice I love dresses

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