Little Woman: Character Essay

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Character Task for Little Women Little women is set during the English Civil War and is based on the life of the four March sisters. Throughout that time the March family experienced a lot of grief; their main grief was caused by their father leaving them to go to war. They were then forced to look after each other and help one another to develop and discover themselves. Meg an¬¬¬¬d Jo are who grew the most throughout the novel. Jo is one of the central characters of the novel and the second-oldest March sister. She wants to become a writer and is always writing stories and directing plays, she has a short temper and a quick tongue. For example; When Amy was given the strap on the hand by her teacher Jo is quick to suggest they seek revenge although she works hard to control both negative qualities. She is a tom-boy and reacts with irritation to the many boundaries placed on women and girls, she even complains when she cannot go to war with her father. She hates romance, such as when she denied Laurie’s marriage offer and wants nothing more than to hold her family together. The oldest March sister, Meg, battles with her girlish weakness for luxury and money when she is surrounded with wealthy friends. She sometimes also changes her personality when around others to please them, for instance when she pretends to be rich to impress her friends. Nevertheless she reminds herself that there are more than those things in life once she marries a poor man that she has deep feelings for. She also becomes an agreeable house wife whilst pretending to like politics just because her husband does. The March sisters Meg and Jo have plenty of differences and very few similarities. One of the main differences is that Meg wants luxury, riches and complains that she is poor. Jo doesn’t really seem to care about those standards instead what she wants is to make sure her family is
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