Why Is Infidelity Important In The Great Gatsby

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Great Gatsby: Infidelity In the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby, the author identifies a big problem in the novel. There were many examples of married men and women cheating on their spouses. However they still remained married to them for their own selfish goals, fear, or desires. This is called infidelity. Infidelity today is the number one killer of marriages and relationships, and can be looked at as a symptom for non-working marriages. In the novel there was a lack of love and respect in the marriages, and there wasn’t anyone trying to fix their marriages either because they were around for their spouse’s money, or cheated because they were rich and felt could get away with it. There was one couple in particular that demonstrated these examples of infidelity in the novel. The couple was Daisy and Tom. Daisy stayed married to Tom because he was buying her happiness and his money, while deep down, she was really hurt and sad about the relationship. On the…show more content…
(www.Cliffnotes.com) Although Fitzgerald makes her despite being beautiful and charming, Daisy’s very selfish, shallow and a mean person. Moreover, Daisy truthfully married tom for his money and didn’t care what he did, unless and so long as he could continue to buy her anything she wanted. Daisy also would hope that her child was a girl, so that she’d be like her and survived the way she did “And I hope she’ll be a fool-that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”. (Pg. 17 Scott Fitzgerald ;) Daisy was implying that the best way a female was to survive in this world was to be attractive and not do anything with her life, and sit back and let money buy her happiness. Some say that Daisy is this way because she had no true hope at finding someone whom she really loved, and someone who wouldn’t cheat on her and stay truly devoted to

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