Lesson 3 Reflection - Philosophy 1301

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PHIL 1301 – Introduction to Philosophy 11 September, 2015 Lesson 3 Reflection Plato describes the soul as being 3 parts. These 3 parts are reason, spirit, and appetite. A virtuous soul is one that functions with all these parts in absolute harmony. Though, we are human and not without flaws, we struggle with parts of our soul the most when we must make a difficult choice. The part of our soul, known as reason, is the part that pushes our minds to tell us what needs to be done to maintain functionality. Appetite is the part of the soul that craves earthly things, such as watching television or enjoying a drink with your friends. Spirit is the part of the soul that deals with morality. Spirit is the bad feeling you get when you decide to drink all night instead of study for a test. Upon asking several of my coworkers and family members, some stated that the soul is a “spirit that’s everlasting. The soul came into being because of God (a higher power). The soul relates to purpose of being, to serve higher power and to spread the word of the higher power (we are all the children of a higher power).” Another coworker stated that the soul is ones “inner being. The soul came to be to guide individuals through their own path in life. The soul functions to help an individual through moral decisions they may make through life.” My own beliefs are that the soul is a moral compass that came into being the moment our parents started teaching us from right and wrong. I believe the soul functions as a “gut feeling” and that our first answer to a problem is usually the soul manifesting itself to help us solve it. While most of my coworkers and friends’ opinions on the matter differ mostly through religion, the soul is still very much real and acts out in the physical world in our daily lives. As our opinions differ, this is a perfect example of Plato’s divided line. While

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