In order to receive salvation, one must have faith in the word of God and “preach Christ”. To “preach Christ” is to teach and minister about Jesus, who He is and what He did. Luther clearly tells us that no works can bring about salvation. He depicts an ideal Christian as one with great faith in God’s Word. In order to live a Christian life, one must look to Christ and place faith in Him.
But in chapter 12, Paul begins to take a more in depth look at how Christians ought to behave and act. Prior to this section, Paul speaks of orthodoxy, but nor begins to look at orthopraxy. Moo mentions, “All theology is practical, and all practice, if it is truly Christian, is theological. Paul’s gospel is deeply theological, but it is also eminently practical. The good news of Jesus Christ is intended to transform a person’s life.” The power of the gospel is the force which drives sanctification in the lives of those who follow Christ.
“Explain what Fletcher understands by ‘Christian love’ and its role in the moral decision-making process of situation ethics” Situational ethics is an ethical theory that was created by an Anglican priest named Joseph Fletcher. This ethical system believed that all humans should make moral decisions based on what is the most loving thing to do. Fletcher didn’t mean any random type of love, he meant the love that is unconditional that divine authorities such as Jesus have displayed. Love that isn’t romantic or sexual but can be from one stranger to another as well as love between two people who know eachother. Situation ethics does have rules and principles to abide by.
There are lots of different interpretations of which source of morality is the greatest for use within the contemporary world. There are also two main categories these sources fall into; intellectual or instinctual. The Bible “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, in order that the man of God may be fully qualified, equipped for every good work.” For orthodox Protestants (Jehovah’s witnesses) and Evangelical Christians they affirm the Bible, first and foremost, as the inspired narrative of God's loving plan of redemption for His creation. These sects of Christianity tend to believe that the Bible is the only method that should be used when making ethical decisions, with writer Carl F. H. Henry calling ‘biblical ethics’ ‘Christian ethics.’ There is a diversity of approaches in the Bible which Christians can use to make ethical decisions; the Old Testament which includes the Decalogue, many of which have been applied in practical law today (‘thou shalt not kill’); and the New Testament involving the teachings of Jesus and St. Paul and the Golden Rule (‘treat others how you’d like to be treated’). The Bible is the witness to the central events of the Christian faith.
Theory Critique - Crabb and Hawkins Rose Monk COUN 507 Liberty University Dr. Hunter November 3, 2013 Concise Summary of Theories Larry Crabb’s model for Christian counselors is based on Christian values and includes secular principles that are consistent with Scripture. Plain and simple this theory works to create a receptive mind for the truth. Ultimately, the idea behind this model is to work on the thought process, and in altering the way the mind thinks, this will motivate correct actions to reach the client goal. By identifying the problems in feelings, behaviors and thinking, this model not only works to change the way clients think, yet their belief of needing anything other than God. Understanding the basics of
As the children of God f Christian) got born again and accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal savior, the word of God expected us to act, behave and think like our Heavenly father. If we cast our gaze back in the New Testament, it records that the Christian was named after the word Christ which means c^hristian. The point am trying to draw out here is; the people in Antioch were able to diagnose Christian by the way they behave, and think like Jesus that is why they were named Christians. ^Fhe Christian belief system, which the Christian known to be grounded in divine revelation, is relevant to all of life". This relevance results from the fact that Christianity is the one
While few Methodists pastors believe in inerrancy, conservatives view scripture as the unique revelation of God. The Bible contains all we need to know to be saved and to live the Christian life. Conservatives believe that the four gospels are the heart of scripture and accurately portray the life of Christ. Christian Ethics- Because of their skepticism of human nature and reason, conservatives believe we must be guided by the principles found in the Old and New Covenants. Christian love must be guided by the moral teachings of scripture and the church.
When learning about how to think about, treat and speak to others on a daily basis and one has a biblical worldview, it would be crucial to read deeply into the Bible, as that is the source of determining morality, right and wrong for Christians. Especially within the Gospels of the New Testament, there are many verses from the Paul to the various churches and their members about being “kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). There are even direct quotations from Christ himself to the disciples and followers on how Christians are to treat even their enemies with respect and hospitality like in Luke 6:27-28, Jesus says “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those that curse you, pray for those who mistreat
As a Christian our lives are to serve and obey God’s Laws his commandments and the purpose is to get into heaven. This and now is only a test to see if your worthy to enter and inherit his praise. In conclusion: The overall view of this module I learned about the Christian Worldview and how Christianity is viewed in the world. The Bible timeline open thoughts on my own beliefs, and knowing that I am a Christian and find more about my personal views. The detail outline really made me focus on critical thinking of GOD and what I truly believe in accordance to worldview and notice that majority of my commitments are consistent with the beliefs of Christian Theism.
As we analyze the question of did Jesus claim to be God, I believe that not only did Jesus claim to be God that Jesus is God. In the matter of does the Bible have authority? I strongly believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God; the Bible holds all truths and revelations for our lives. If we believe what the Bible says then we know with confidence that we have what God intended for us as believers to know about him. Also we have seen why our testimonies are important in sharing the gospel.