Legalizing Marijuana Decriminalize Drugs

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Marijuana... Legalized or Not? In the documentary, “Marijuana: A Chronic Story,” by the History Channel emphasizes on educating our society about this controversial and recreational drug. According to the documentary, 15 nations have decriminalized laws which as a result crime and teen use have decreased. I believe that legalizing and decriminalizing the use of cannabis benefits our nation in a variety of ways. The nation will benefit using cannabis for the following reasons: its medicinal purpose to treat a number of medical conditions, legalizing this product would bring in tax revenue, and legalizing cannabis would save a tremendous amount of money on law enforcement. For centuries, marijuana has been used to treat medical conditions…show more content…
Marijuana is harmless compared to alcohol and tobacco. The attempts that the government has made to stop the war on marijuana haven’t had much effect. In the documentary, it was mentioned that according to the Associated Press the government has spent over $ 600 billion dollars to stop the war on drugs across the border. Billions of dollars can be saved on law enforcement and court time instead of unfairly putting people in jails. In doing so, their primary focus is to stop crimes happening in our neighborhoods and…show more content…
I grew up drug free and drugs never played a vital role in my life. However, now that I have been somewhat educated and have more knowledge about this recreational drug, marijuana falls into the same category as alcohol and tobacco. Legalizing and decriminalizing cannabis can be an alternative treatment for medicinal purposes for those suffering from medical conditions such as cancer and HIV. Unfortunately, 17 years ago I lost my brother to colon cancer. I watched my brother weaken day by day and I know now that if he had had the opportunity to take medicinal marijuana to relieve some of the pain and nausea he wouldn’t have had suffer as much. Regulating and legalizing marijuana would really help improve our economic situation and free us from that debt that our nation currently owes. Our government could control our law enforcement spending and focus primarily in programs to educate our youth about the dangers of habit forming drugs, gangs and so forth and use their time wisely to arrest those who are committing felonies and/or dangerous
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