Learning Motivation and Performance

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QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW 1. Explain the behavioural and cognitive approaches to learning. Which is most relevant to training? Explain your answer. The behaviourist approach to learning defines learning as a relatively permanent change in behaviour. Thus, from a behavioural perspective the environment controls learning. The cognitive approach defines learning as relatively permanent changes in how information is processed, organized, and stored. Which approach is best depends on the learning situation. 2. You are a trainer explaining expectancy theory to a group of managers so they can better understand and deal with employee motivation problems. One of the managers says, “I do not have time for this theory stuff. I want realworld training that helps me in my job.” How would you respond to the trainee? What is your rationale for your response? If a trainer receives such negative feedback it is possible that the trainer is not focusing his/her training program at the right level. The trainer must show the managers how the theory can and is applied in the “real world,” and preferably in the trainees’ “real world.” Of course it would be better to avoid such a response; trainers can do this by having some basic knowledge of the trainees’ environment and being able to lead trainees through an example that applies to the trainees’ working environment and/or experiences. 3. List the nine events of instruction as outlined by Gagné-Briggs, and indicate how you would use them in a training situation. The nine events of instruction are listed in Table 2-3. An example of how these are used is provided in Table 2-4. You should instruct students to provide examples that are different from those provided in the chapter. 4. Explain why different people need different training methods. Different people require different training methods because there can be

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