Learning Disibility Essay

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Unit 4222-245 Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities (LD201) 1. Identify legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities. * Human rights act 1998 * Equality Act 2010 * Disability Discrimination Act 1995 * Mental Capacity Act 2005 2. Explain how this legislation and policies influence the day to day experiences of individuals with learning disabilities and their families. * It has improved the standards of care that is given to the individuals who have a learning disability, gives them the right of life privacy and to not be subjected to degrading or bad treatment. * Protecting the rights of individuals and promoting their equality. Giving the right for all to be treated the same regardless of age, race, sex or disability. * This made it unlawful for employers to discriminate against people based on their disability, giving them as individuals a great chance to live a full life and achieve the things they want or would like to do. Also those provisions for disabled people in employment are met. * Ensure that if an individual is unable to make a decision themselves, they will be protected by guidelines which are clear for those that make decisions for them. It is unlawful for anyone to neglect or miss-treat individuals who lack capacity to make their own decisions. 3. Explain what is meant by ‘Learning Disability’. * A condition giving rise to difficulties in acquiring knowledge and skills to the normal level expected of those of the same age. 4. Give examples of causes of learning disabilities. * Genetics – passed down through the genes (Downsydrome) * Brain injury/Damage – accidents, birth complications. * Downsydrome – genetic * Birth
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