Leadership Styles in the Lion King

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The Lion King serves as a storyline many people across various generations would recognize. Not only did it appeal to children of the 90s, but also to parents and future children alike. It was even made into a Broadway play that has been running since 1997. A reoccurring theme throughout the movie is leadership and power which is shown through various characters’ desire to become king. The original king, Mufasa, possesses character traits that the general public would recognize as qualities of a “good” leader. As we discussed in class, leadership attributes across cultures include being trustworthy, honest, positive, decisive, dependable, and Just. To start, Mufasa understands his responsibility and boundaries as King. This is evident in the scene where he shows Simba where his kingdom begins and ends. Mufasa is also noble and wise which is demonstrated through his knowledge of the circle of life. He understands that it is a part of life and is sure to educate other on this concept so no one fears death. Some of the motives for learning are being good at collecting information rapidly and comprehensively as well as finding it easy to build trusting relationships. An important part of being a leader is cultivating other leaders. Throughout the beginning of the movie we see Mufasa teaching his son the ways of leadership. He isn’t completely forcing his leadership styles on Simba, but rather just providing discipline, love, and understanding. This is demonstrated early in the movie when Mufasa takes Simba along to teach him the ropes. This is also apparent when Simba and Nala sneak into the elephant graveyard, Mufasa has to rescue them from the Hyenas. He was disappointed in Simba and made that very apparent. He showed great leadership because he confronted Simba privately rather than embarrass him in front of his friend. He explained his disappointment, then went

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