Labor Union Pros And Cons

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6 November 2010 Labor Unions: National Football League Players Association Labor Unions are organizations that deal with an employer on all of their workers behalf ( Schermerhorn 313). Labor unions are found everywhere and in many different jobs and have been around since the early 19th century (1820’s). Examples of occupations that may fall into a union are teachers, police officers, electrical workers, mechanics, machinists, and even government employees, just to name a few (Schermerhorn 316). These labor unions are backed by many laws that have came into effect in the United States over the past eighty years. One of these laws is the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which is also known as the Wagner Act (Schermerhorn 313). This is a law that, “ protects employees by recognizing their right to join unions and engage in union activities. An act that protects them union members and employers in the Taft-Harley Act of 1947. This act assures employers that the unions may use unfair labor practices against the company and it also allows union members to decertify the union that they are in (Schermerhorn 313). For government employees the Civil Service Act…show more content…
Positives that can come out of being in a labor union are better pay, better hours, and better benefits than other nonunion employees. Negatives that can come out are having to deal with things such as, strikes, boycotts, pickets, lockouts, and strike-breakers. When you join a union you are subject to the decisions that the majority makes, been if it isn’t what you want. Many players did not want to go on strike in 1982 and 1987, but were forced to because that is what the majority wanted to do. Those same people also benefitted after the NFLPA has improved their contracts, pay, and benefits. To sum it all up, just like everything else in life you have to take the good with the bad. Labor unions including the NFLPA come with a lot of

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