Lab Color Blindness

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Color blindness is a heritable trait. Color blindness is more common among males than females, because the most common form of color vision deficiency is on the X sex chromosome.There are three main types of color vision deficiency which are protan, deutan, and triton. These terms are Greek for first,second and third. Color blindness is most commonly carried by women even if they do not have color blindness themselves. The purpose of this lab was to get a feel on how genes are usually by chance and not always going to be the same. It is also about how men are more common to have colorblindness over women. My hypothesis is Do you think more males or female beans will display the colorblindness trait? Procedure: 1) Make a data table with the column headings Trial,Colors,Sex of Individual,and Number of X-Linked Alleles. Draw ten rows under the headings and fill in the number 1 through 10 in the trial column. Label one plastic cup Mother and a second plastic cup Father. 2)The white beans represent X chromosomes.Use a black marker to make a dot on 1 white bean to represent the X-linked allele for colorblindness.Place this bean,plus 1 unmarked white bean, into the cup labeled Mother. 3)Mark a black dot on 1 white bean.Place this bean,plus 1 red bean,into the cup labeled Father. The red bean represents a Y chromosome. 4)Close your eyes and pick one bean from each cup to represent how each parent contributes to a sex chromosome and a fertilized egg. 5)In your table, record the color of each bean and the sex of an individual who would carry this pair of sex chromosomes.Also record how many X-linked alleles he individual has. Put the beans back in the cups they come from. 6) Determine whether the individual would have colorblindness. 7) Repeat steps 4 to 6 for a total of 10 pairs of

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