Outline and Evaluate the Biological Approach to Gender Development

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Outline and evaluate the Biological approach to gender development The biological approach to gender development tells us that sex determines if an individual is genetically a male or female but that gender determines your own feelings about who you are as a person, either masculine or feminine, and this is due to the differences in their brains. This usually is due to the chromosomes a person has or hormonal differences. Every individual has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Women have 2 X chromosomes while men have an X and a Y chromosome. As an embryo, a male’s Y chromosome starts to produce testosterone and other male sex hormones. These hormones help develop the testicles and penis. These androgens cause differences in the male brain and cause men to behave more aggressively than women. Therefore both developments are triggered by hormones and therefore influence gender behaviour. The biological theory tells us that genes determine a person’s gender. Klinefelters syndrome supports the biological approach as a person with this type of syndrome, where the individual has a XXY chromosome, will suffer from lack of body hair and underdeveloped genitals. Turners syndrome is when a woman is born with XO chromosomes which result in them having short bodies. However, some individuals are born with XY chromosomes and as they grow up, realise that their gender is female. Therefore there is reason to believe that genes may not affect gender development that much as there are a lot of people nowadays who are transgender. However, hormones can also have an effect on gender development. Case studies such as the Batista family show that hormones can have a huge effect on gender development as Imperato-Mcginley et al, found that four children in Dominica were born with female genitalia and were raised as girls, but they produced large amounts of testosterone at puberty and
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