Kudler Fine Foods Market Research

1519 Words7 Pages
Running Head: MARKETING Marketing Raven Harvis University of Phoenix MM/PBL502 November 28, 2011 Abstract Kudler Fine Foods is interested in expanding its service offerings to add a catering service in addition to the in-store parties that it currently offers. This paper will discuss eight areas related to this decision. First it will assess the relative value of the three pieces of market research. Second it will explain the components of the marketing mix of Kudler’s new catering service. Third it will explain how Kudler Fine Foods should determine the products it wants tooffer. Fourth it will explain how Kudler Fine Foods should determine what its pricing should be relative to other catering companies. Fifth it…show more content…
Just as the other marketing mix components there are questions that must be answered in order to determine pricing for a product. One question is what Kudler’s price should be in comparison to its competitors. Kudler Fine Foods has to decide whether they should be lower, higher, provide more bang for the buck or offer exclusive services at expensive prices. The standard that Kudler Fine Foods has for its other promotions is for them to be self-funding. I think it is essential that the catering service also have that standard. This will ensure that there is no profit loss from make the decision to do these services. In order for them to be competitive they focus on value added services instead of discounting and subtracting profit. Another question could be what the value of the product or service is to the buyer. Kudler Fine Foods has a competitive advantage because customers already use their facilities for parties. These customers could have one responsibility or thing to coordinate removed from their list by hiring Kudler Fine Foods to cater their event. Most customers would find that very valuable as well as…show more content…
In the past Kudler Fine Foods has secured its clientele by using newspaper, and word of mouth. As they progress forward many of their target market will be a younger demographic and will be reached via social networking. Technology will be a large part of marketing to their customers about store promotions and new products and services. One large cost savings for Kudler Fine Foods is that using social networking is usually not as expensive as direct mail, or newspaper. They will also save in man hours used to set up and take down in-store displays which can be uses to promote catering
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