Kudler Fine Foods (Gomez-Mejia And Balkin (2002)

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Running Head: OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT Overview of Management University of Phoenix MBA 502 – Managing the Business Enterprise Table of Contents Introduction 3 Primary Functions of Management 4 Figure 1. Organizational Structure Identifying the Primary Functions of Management 5 Technology and the Internet 6 Porters Model 8 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction Management as defined by Gomez-Mejia, Balkin (2002) is the individuals responsible for making resource allocation decisions and with the formal authority to direct others. All organizations, regardless of their size, have managers whose responsibilities are to ensure the successful daily operations of the company. Kudler Fine Foods is an example of…show more content…
They are: the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of customers, and intensity of rivalry among competitors. An example from Kudler Fine Foods illustrating each of the five forces is as follows (University of Phoenix, 2003, 10): 1. Threat of new entrants: What are the barriers to entry? While Kudler Fine Foods does not have any threat of new competition, as stated in the S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threat) analysis, it does cite the potential threat of a gourmet shop opening in their geographic market. 2. Threat of substitutes: Are there alternative products that customers can purchase over Kudler Fine Foods products that offer the same benefit for the same or less price? In the unlikely event of a downturn in the economy and a decrease in the disposable income of its customers, customers may shift their purchases of gourmet foods to a suitable replacement such as purchasing items at a grocery…show more content…
University of Phoenix. (2008). Virtual organizational portal: Kudler Fine Foods [Computer Software]. Retrieved July 5, 2008, from University of Phoenix, Simulation, MBA 502 Managing the Business Enterprise Web

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