Juvenile Recidivism Essay

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Juvenile Recidivism Recidivism is the act of repeating an act over and over again especially a criminal acts such antisocial behavior. Juvenile recidivism is where the criminal acts and antisocial behavior are experienced in the youth more. The Research Problem Juvenile age is the most complicated age in the human growth. It is the time when an individual is discovering him or herself. This period is when one can either make it out to become a great adult in the future or become a total mess all together. This is as a result of the kind of groups that people tend to associate themselves with. Peer pressure is very common among the youth and therefore parents and guardians are required to guide their kids so as not to fall in the wrong group. However, there are children who are not lucky to have stable homes and therefore they get involved in antisocial activities that eventually lead to criminal acts. Some of the children end up being arrested and being sentenced to juvenile prisons. In this place, they undergo corrective measures so that they may be able to get back to the community when reformed. Background and Justification High recidivism among the juvenile is associated with the increase in crime, lack of stable a home environment, unstable families and the risk of health in the society. However much the government is doing to rectify juvenile delinquents, Juvenile recidivism is still a steadily growing problem. The recidivism happens because those juveniles do not feel like the fit in the community after they leave the juvenile correctional centers. The society views them with suspicion; they are thought to be criminal because of their past behavior. They therefore find a way of surviving and this leads them back to their old groups and then back to crime again and therefore the trend recurs (Parks, 2007). Deficiencies in the Evidence

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