Teens In Prison

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The pressure of being a teen adolescent is vigorous. The pressure may be so intense and vigorous that they find themselves in situations that they may not be able to get themselves out of. Most teens find themselves in those certain situations because of their housing arrangements, or they want to be cool, or even because of the people they associate themselves with. As we identify each teen with to where they come from we find very different crimes that they are associated with. We ask ourselves why adolescents become violent, or associate themselves with negative things or people? Where are the parents of these teenagers, and is capital punishment or solitary confinement the best for these teenagers? Some say locking away teens in prisons…show more content…
Teens become prey and are subjected to being sexually abused. They are considered young and very easy prey. 80 percent are released before their 21st birthday, and 95 percent are released before they turn 25. Returning to the same neighborhood and same environment that got them there. Although some teens are actual teens, 13 and older they can still be considered adults and charged. Even preteens 10-12 are possibly considered adults. People think that locking up teens in an adult prison would prevent them from committing the same or any other crime for that matter. However, when teens commit adult crimes why shouldn’t they be thrown in adult prison? As teens in adult jail they are subjected to a lot of peer pressure. They are very influenced by adults. They are sometimes subjected to the violence, physical violence, and if they don’t give in to the pressure, they are extremely vulnerable to harm. Nearly 3000 children been sentenced to life in prison throughout the nation; yes I understand that some crimes are deserving of that type of penalty, but to sentence a child to that much time or to even lock them up with grown men that can really harm them; we should ask ourselves is it really…show more content…
And there are plenty of answers. Such as scared straight programs, which is to give kids the sense of prison and the outcomes of being prison. The scared straight program is to do as such, and scare kid’s right out of their delinquent ways by having the active inmates come talk to the kids and tell their stories, the kids in the program are also put through a vigorous and intense work out. The kids are also forced to write an apology letter to their parent and if the parent feels that kid has not changed they are forced to spend a night as an inmate, but if the parent feels their kid have changed the kid is free to go home. This program has a 94 percent success rate. Another way to prevent juvenile delinquency is discipline. Kids that are disciplined and provided structure are less likely to become delinquents, for the simple fact of the matter is that they are more likely to be afraid of the physical discipline the comes after the negative action. Not every kid is a delinquent and not every kid deserves the maximum penalty, a lot of what kids do is a cry out for attention. They want us to notice something that has changed in their lives and when it goes unnoticed they start to act out. In order to change the actions of adolescents we have the change our actions first, and that starts with our attitude towards them. We have to learn how to be patient and understanding and instead of
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