High Crimes In America Essay

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The root of high crimes in America can be due to a variety of things. Many factors play a huge role on this. One of the causes that add to the crimes is probably broken families. When broken families exist children tend to look for support elsewhere and the places they find are not the best ones for example, gangs. A single mother can try her hardest to keep a child away from making bad decisions, but if the mother doesn’t have any type of family support, chances are the child will guide himself to other unsafe, and unhealthy resources. Fathers who abandon their families might also add to the problem. Children tend to act up after their father has abandoned them. Children might act in violent ways, with anger issues and other hidden emotions.…show more content…
The influence an environment has over growing adolescents will impact them. Also, easy access to firearms, violent video games, and aggressive music will furthermore add to how children and adolescents engage in certain types of behaviors that will lead them to performing a crime Culture plays a huge role on how our children in America are raised. Some parents tend to put restrictions when others try to discipline their children when they are doing something inappropriate, they have a tendency to get offended when others try to guide or correct them. My mentality on discipline is still old fashioned, if my child is doing something wrong, then by all means, take my child and correct them. It’s better to correct the issue when they are small than to repent later when it might be too and they might end up in…show more content…
Some people might just need some intervention programs that would guide them to the correct and healthy road. Multiple offenders might need stiffer penalties and be put away for longer time. Being involved in community programs like Neighborhood Watch might also alleviate crime rates. Criminals tend to target areas where no one cares what goes on in the neighborhood. Also, collaborations among agencies in the community might reduce the crime rates because information is shared and solving crimes faster might help the level stay
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