Is There a Link Between Criminal Behavior and How a Child Was Raised?

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Is there a link between criminal behavior and how the children were raised? To most people the answer will be “Yes” but this question is still up for debate between Caregivers and law makers. In general, children mirror what they see in life. Children who come from abusive homes, lower socioeconomic backgrounds, access to guns and other weapons are more likely to commit a violent crime. Many will argue it’s a “Learned behavior”. Also small number of children may commit crimes because of frustration or problems stemming from learning difficulties. Criminal behavior also provides attention from adults - something severely neglected children need for normal development- according to Kohlbergs, Maslow, and Erikson stages of development. There's an adrenalin rush that a child experiences when they succeed at crime. This rush can be addicting. So, I guess I'm saying there are biological, environmental and genetic reasons children have criminal behavior. HOW CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR DEVELOPS? In all of these stages the lack of dedication and the atmosphere of rejection or conflict within the family diminish the child's experience of his personal life as one of love, dedication, and a place to belong. Instead, it is characterized increasingly by rejection, abandonment, confliction, isolation, and even abuse. He or she is compelled to seek a place to belong outside the home, among others who have similar experiences with life. Children with signs of criminal behavior problems have very chaotic family life. This frequently leads to aggression and hostility toward others, even outside the family. This hostility is established in the first few years of life. By age six, habits of aggression and free-floating anger typically are already formed. By way of contrast, normal children enjoy a sense of personal security derived from their natural attachment to their mother. So our

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