Jonathan Birdsong Case Study

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College is tough for many students. It is a time of studying hard and learning, but also a time of finding one’s self. It can be very overwhelming for many of these students and even more if a student is just beginning. Different obstacles, like moving far from family or adjusting to the new lifestyle, can be hard. This is a time where students spend much of their time exploring different values and lifestyles along with more freedom (Santrock).We interview a young man just staring college to understand how he is dealing with these different stresses of this stage of life. The young man’s name is Jonathan Birdsong. He is nineteen-years-old and attends the University of Dayton located in Dayton, Ohio. He is a caucasian male who is not married, but is in a relationship. He was interview at Meghan’s house for this project. The first question asked was if he felt pressured by his family to go to school or if it was a personal goal of his. He answered by saying that it was a goal of his to get his degree and did not experience any pressure from his family (Birdsong). Pressure from family can have a negative effect on the students. It can bring them anxiety and make them feel like they are fragile and are not ready to be on their own. This “overprotectiveness” can also…show more content…
He had many different complaints. He did not enjoy being away from his family and girlfriend. He felt like his two biggest support systems were no longer easily accessible. Another negative was the tuition. He said he was able to get a bunch of financial aid, but he still has a great amount of college to pay off. He also said that for his specific school, he did not enjoy his classmates. He said many of them would set off the fire alarms or were loud because of drinking. He also said that he felt the administration was doing a poor job of enforcing the rules and helping students who truly need the
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