Joe Justice Case Study

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II. Section 1: Introduction State what is discussed in the document. III. Section II: The Role of Prosecutor A. Fact Pattern: Joe Justice is a local county prosecutor in the state of Ohio. One day, Joe receives a law enforcement felony packet that details the investigation on suspects Slick Martin and Jim Lawbreaker. The police agency investigated their involvement in a robbery at a local grocery store. Based on the facts, Martin entered the store armed with a firearm. Lawbreaker waited in a car located in back of the store. Once in the store, Martin demanded cash from grocery store clerk, Sally Deal. After Martin fled, Deal called the police and they responded to the store. During the investigation, Deal is interviewed…show more content…
In addition, Joe receives a phone call from Jim Lawbreaker’s attorney stating that his client wants to make a deal to testify against Martin. Lawbreaker would plead guilty to one count of robbery with a minimum prison sentence and agree to testify against Martin. B. Questions: 1. If Joe Justice wants to get the deal done with Jim Lawbreaker, what options does he have in terms of bringing charges against him? I am not sure about the options the Joe Justice has regarding making a deal with Jim Lawbreaker, I think that the one of the charges would be accessory to commit a crime, and since he wasn’t the main character in the robbery and I think that in order to get to the main culprit the deal that Jim Lawbreaker attorney is offering is fair since the results of the lab tests are incomplete and a statement from Jim will help the prosecutor make sure that Martin goes to jail for the crime. The evidence does not place Lawbreaker on the scene and no witnesses can place him there either. 2. Does Joe Justice have enough evidence to take a case against Slick Martin to grand…show more content…
And with the help of Lawbreaker statement it would be easy to prove that Martin committed the crime along with the evidence. IV. Section III: Appointing Counsel A. Fact Pattern: After formal charges are filed against Slick Martin, he appears at arraignment. Judge Fletcher calls Slick’s case. A request is made to have counsel appointed to Slick. Judge Fletcher is told that Slick has no means to pay for an attorney on his own B. Questions 1. Prior to appointing counsel, what needs to be read out loud in open court? I think that the charges against the accused nee d to be read, a formal arrangement where the judge read the charges and informs the defendant of his/her rights. 2. What choices does Judge Fletcher have in appointing counsel for Slick Martin? He can appoint a public defender to Martin, which he doesn’t have to pay for or appoint counsel where he can pay
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