Are Defendants Really Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

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Kayla Belue BA 316 March 1, 2012 Module 5 Are Defendants Really Innocent Until Proven Guilty? According to Gary F. Churak of the San Antonio criminal defense attorney offices, defendants are not innocent until proven guilty. In this time people forget that saying and believe just because someone is arrested than they committed that crime. This is why defense attorneys try to not let the media have a good look at this case in fear of persuading the jury. Also the defense will ask for a change of venue to help with juries with believing someone is innocent. This defense attorney is determining to keep people innocent until they are proven guilty. He does not want someone who is innocent to have their name slander. He is an attorney for DUI cases which is kind of pretty hard to prove their innocent. This criminal law website is determined to keep people who are under investigation or have already been arrested, to keep their record clean and out of jail. These investigations can be for sex crimes, assault, and DUIs. Criminal laws for these statues are hard to prove innocent. Mainly for these cases a plea deal or as a defense attorney you hope that the cop did something wrong. Sex crimes are very serious and law…show more content…
Also how many great lawyers want to prove defendants innocent? Criminal law chargers can change a person future forever. It can ruin their families’ lives, it can ruin their jobs, ruin friendships, and even how a whole community will look at you. Why I do believe that investigators should do whatever it take to catch a criminal, sometimes they do go too far just because of the press and how people want someone to be caught. Pressure hurts an investigation more than anything. If investigators are being pressured by the community or by their superiors than they will be will to pin a crime on
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