Job vs. Satin

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Job vs. Satin Losing personal items can cause people to panic. What if someone lost everything he/she had; things that were far more important than materialistic items. When things go wrong in our life; we often wonder why? Most unfortunate events are triggered by other events, but most would agree that the unfortunate events that took place in Job’s life were undeserved. Not only does Job have to deal with cruel punishment he also loses his children. This could cause anyone to become weak spiritually and physically. Only a heroic individual recuperate from this magnitude of misfortune. After reading Job, some wonder how someone so good could suffer so much, but perhaps the greatest lesson we can learn from the Book of Job is to never give up. Job’s heroic actions and character help him to remain consistent with his faith in God’s love and restoration power to become evident in his life. Although Job was put through a great amount of pain he never cursed God, and remained righteous. Job proves that the ultimate key to restoration is faith Contrary to popular belief, everything is not always perfect for heroes. Heroes go test to where it makes them want to give up but then they see a way. Job is chosen to be an example of his faithfulness to God, which is some form of a quest that he takes on. Job deals with several mythical beings, God, who helps him along the way through his suffering and Sati which is the person who encourages the testing of Job. God however, is perhaps the most comforting companion Job has. Job appears defeated when he becomes ill with sores throughout his body to everyone around him. Job nearly gives up but his faith becomes his foundation to stand on. In the end, Job is rewarded for his faith and receives the ultimate restitution from God. Job Is blessed even more than before, and he regains the prosperous life he rightfully deserves. Job

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