The Interplay of Faith and Reason in the Story of Job

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The interplay of faith and reason in the trial of Job is similar to that of Abraham (and the story of his son), as they are both put to trial in order to test their faithfulness to God. Even though this ‘test’ is beyond logical understanding, reason becomes overridden by their steadfast belief in God, meaning, although God presented challenges that seemed unreasonable to his believers, Abraham and Job both kept faith in Him, even if it meant losing their loved ones and properties, all for the sake of keeping God alive in their life. In detail, Job is a well-respected, god-fearing man who is very devout to his faith. There came a time when Satan approached God so that he may put Job to the test and prove to Him that his faithful servant was only loyal because of his abundance in material wealth. What seems incomprehensible to reason is why God, an almighty and good being, would let Satan freely oppress Job, an innocent man. Despite the loss of his livestock and children, Job still displayed confidence in God’s will even though his gracious creator had let him suffer for no apparent reason. Disappointed and beaten, Satan, requests God to let him test Job once more. To let Job suffer in the first place seems unrighteous, however, God allows him to be tested again, even though Job still remained faithful to God after losing his children and means of living. In his second trial, huge and painful sores spread over Job’s body, but he continues to be loyal to God, in spite of his own wife suggesting to curse God for his suffering. Hearing of his illness, Job is visited by his friends and they convey their advice. It is at this point where Job curses God, as he cannot handle his pain or his friends and their beliefs that his sin is what is causing his suffering and that he must repent in order to be saved. After all of this, God then presents himself to Job in a storm, in awe
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