Is the Illegal Immigrants Harming the Economy?

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Nguonkeat Tiv Prof. Avila English 1C Essay 4 25 Nov 2012 Is The Illegal Immigrants Harming the Economy? Throughout its history, the United States has been known as the haven for immigrants from around the world. Early Immigrants escaped their countries because of lack of economic opportunity, religious discrimination and political issues. Immigrants hailed the United States as “Promising Land” where there would be freedom for all, better living condition and economic opportunities. It started with young male immigrants usually came to work under work-permits whereby they would leave the country when the works are done. Overtime, they became attract to the United States and they decided to settle down. After settling down, they began to bring in their families and encouraged relatives to migrate too. In recent years, however, illegal immigrants have become a major issue in the country. According to Contemporary Economic Policy, in 2005, there were 7.3 million illegal immigrants working in United States. The large number of immigrants pouring into the United States every year has leaded many people to debate whether illegal immigrants contributed positively or negatively to the United States’ economy. Since the economic downfall, illegal immigration raises difficult questions about whether they actually do more harm than benefit to the American economy and how the country continues to seek low wage labor while at the same time providing opportunities for its citizens. Many believe illegal immigrants post a problem on native Americans who just have a high school diploma because the illegal immigrants suppress the wage levels and take away their job while some argue that the illegal immigration cost the United States taxpayers billions a year. On the other hand, some believe that illegal immigrants contribute more to funds in taxes than they cost in social

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